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TAG Lab & The Augmented Gallery AR multi-chain art gallery

Under construccion
Open Gallery

Tag Lab & The Augmented Gallery is a project by oliasstudio. It aims to constitute a multi-chain virtual art gallery. An administrative DAO at client.aragon.org, and an executive one where part of the NFTs are minted in the Iota Tangle, and experimentally in Shimmer, its test network, through EVM with the future extended ecosystem of interoperable metaverse access. The oliasstudio operates through Soonaverse and OpenSea, along with other platforms and other blockchains, for the registration and marketing of its NFTs.

The Augmented Gallery is in the metaverse of OVER immersed in Augmented Reality. AR with access from the subdomain theaugmented.ovr.eth where we have created a portal-scene that communicates with a ring of experimental art galleries distributed in various cities around the world. In these galleries we give space to exhibitions of digital work as well as to extended art proposals and portfolios in 3D environment for artists, both digital natives and those who develop their work with traditional media and techniques.


The Augmented Gallery Bureau


soonaverse.com & client.aragon.org


OVRland AR Gallery

NFT Collections

Soonaverse OpenSea Rarible

The Augmented Bureau

oliasstudio design office, art direction, advertising and object-oriented creativity. The main worker usermanu.eth and a small group of operators in collaboration, in partnership. Temporary associations for the creation of products and services for the TAG Lab and The Augmented Gallery. With the participation of ordinary AIs and our own [TºkiºYªNºNºsK13r3].


An administrative DAO at client.aragon.org, and Soonaverse an executive one where part of the NFTs are minted in the Iota Tangle, and experimentally in Shimmer, its test network, through EVM with the future extended ecosystem of interoperable metaverse access.

TAG Lab beginers

TAG Lab in Soonaverse has more than 60 iota/shimmer/ethereum wallet members. Pictured are avatars of the fifteen pioneers who joined the DAO. A hererogeneous and technophile international group of mainly iota fans united in this Decentralised Autonomous Organisation in the creation of an experimental gallery.


The Augmented Gallery is in the metaverse of OVER immersed in Augmented Reality. AR with access from the subdomain theaugmented.ovr.eth where we have created a portal-scene that communicates with a ring of experimental art galleries distributed in various cities around the world. In these galleries we give space to exhibitions of digital work as well as to extended art proposals and portfolios in 3D environment for artists

Collections at NFT

Artworks into interoperable 3D assets in metaverses and spatial web portfolios. Design of AR environments for exhibitions and immersive shows. NFTs are minted in the Iota Tangle, and experimentally in Shimmer, its test network, through EVM with the future extended ecosystem of interoperable metaverse access. The oliasstudio operates through Soonaverse and OpenSea, along with other platforms and other blockchains, for the registration and marketing of its NFTs.


A frequently asked questions list. Some answers to common questions. If you can't find the answer you are looking for here, please contact the studio.


Contact the studio to make an enquiry or suggestion, to make an appointment to visit the workshop, or even to place an order. Opening hours Monday to Thursday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. (In the studio or in our chat room)


Carrer d'Emili Baró 42 Pta. MO, 46020 Valencia


+34 625 597 349


Chat room opening hours Monday to Thursday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.